It’s horrible to face when your PC freezes randomly. You may think the issue will be solved after the shutdown or reboot of your PC. But in practice, it has only a 5% chance to solve the issue.
The information on this page will let you know the other things that you need to do.
What is computer freezing? – It is a condition of a computer in which it can’t respond to any of your instructions and display the same thing until you reboot the system. Insufficient power supply, RAM storage error, and malware on your PC are the main causes.
Depending on the system and its working modes the problem occurring is different from PC to PC.
On some computers, the Blue Screen Error will appear after freezing, and the PC reboots by itself. But in some PCs, the freeze mode is constant until you take an action like reboot or turn OFF the power supply.
Here I can list the complete causes of PC freezing along with fixes. One way or the other you can fix the issue with the following information.
I face the same issue with one of my desktop PCs. After analyzing my PC, I found the third reason in the following list is the cause of my problem. Then I fixed it.
Ok, time to move the screw…
PC Doesn’t Have Enough RAM
Do you know about your PC? At least basic things.
I am asking this because if your PC has a low system configuration and you want to run heavy software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Assassin’s Creed, etc, it is hard for your PC to bear the load.
As a part of my profession, I’m using anywhere between 5 to 15 apps at a time on my PC. My PC can perform them well because of good system information.
If you are using over 5 apps at a time on average, you need at least 8GB of RAM on your PC. It is not compulsory, but it is highly recommended.
Type ‘system information’ in the search box at the bottom left and press enter, then you can find the system information of your PC. There you can see the installed RAM on it.
Fix it:
The temporary solution is you should avoid using heavy apps or multiple apps at a time on your PC. However, I suggest you increase the RAM on your PC for better workflow.
Make sure the type of RAM is on your PC before extending it.
Not a problem with RAM? Just swipe to find more.
Somewhere Hardware Connections are shorted
The computer working is the collection of every individual component and circuit.
For some reasons like water, dust, overheating, and improper handling, the computer hardware will get damaged. And sometimes short circuits will occur.
The complete short circuit will damage the system components. So you can easily find the problem with it.
But the temporary short circuits are hard to find and they cause dust, water moisture, etc. And whenever it occurs on your PC, it will freeze randomly.
Fix it:
You need to troubleshoot your PC to find the problem. Here is the basic troubleshooting guide you can go through.
However, it is highly recommended to keep your PC cool and clean to avoid these problems.
- Useful Read: A guide for optimal airflow in a CPU case
PC Doesn’t Have Enough Power Source
The power is the ultimate source for the computer to work. The best thing is, that the computer can work with the minimum power requirements.
For example, a 450 Watts PSU-required computer can turn ON with a 250 Watts power supply. But after that, the PC will have trouble in performance.
One of my desktop PCs has 250 Watts SMPS in the CPU tower. The PC works fine until I add 3 RGB fans to it. With these additional fans, the PC requires more power. But I didn’t change the power source.
Your guess is right!
A problem with ‘random freezing’ on my PC. Then I dismantle the computer and analyze where the problem is. The power source is my main suspect.
Fix it:
I replaced the power source with 450 Watts SMPS and the problem is solved.
The PC freezing can be caused by the improper power supply to the computer. The fix is you can upgrade your PC with the new high Watt SMPS.
- Useful Read: How much power a computer will consume?
The Hard disk Storage is Full
Running out of storage on your PC? One of the major causes of your PC freezing.
If this is your reason, you are facing a very bad system performance. At one point, you can push the power button with frustration.
How can I find my disk storage is full?
Just follow the steps to find the disk storage on your PC.
- Click on the ‘This PC‘ app on your desktop. You’ll find the local disks on your PC or you can use the shortcut Win+E to open the file manager and select This PC.
The local disk C should be in blue. If it turns to Red because of insufficient storage then you consider the disk storage is full.
It’s better to keep all the disks in Blue color. Sometimes the disk will turn Red because of heavy files. It is ok but make sure these heavy files are not in disk C.
The disk C contains the Windows operating system so make sure you have proper space for its operations. If you don’t, problems like PC freezing will occur.
Fix it:
You can buy a Western Digital 10 TB hard disk for storage or use this free cloud storage to keep your important files.
You need to clean the disk to avoid PC freezing.
Check the PC for Malware
Check whether your PC has unwanted software or files because malware or spyware enters your computer through unwanted software apps. When someone accesses your data, your PC will freeze or malfunction.
So how can you find malware on your computer? These are the major symptoms to identify.
- Sudden and unwanted PC shutdown
- The computer gets overheated within a few minutes after turning ON
- The unwanted app closes and opens
- Freezing or no response to your commands
Fix it:
I recommend McAfee Antivirus protection to keep security across all your devices.
The Particular Software is Not Supported On your Device
Sometimes the computers will freeze if they don’t meet the system requirements for the software or running application.
Of course, the heavy software can’t support all devices but they can perform with minimum system requirements.
If your PC just has the minimum system requirements of a particular software, I do not recommend you to use that because it feels heavy on your PC.
Fix it:
Uninstall the software that troubles your PC. If you want to use it, then you need to upgrade your PC configuration. My recommendation is to look for alternatives on the web that suits your PC.
- Useful Read: Importance of motherboard in a computer
The CPU Won’t Get Enough Cooling
The computer becomes unstable if it doesn’t have enough cooling. Then problems like Blue Screen, freezing, unwanted shutdowns, etc, will happen.
Fix it:
- You need to install the CPU fans as many as your cabinet supports
- Proper optimal airflow direction is important.
- Check the functioning of the CPU stock cooler. Replace with the new stock cooler if it is necessary.
Unsupported Drivers
The drivers play a key role in the functioning of a particular component of a computer.
There is no guarantee the latest version of drivers can perform well on all computers. So you don’t need to compromise on functionality.
Fix it:
So if your PC is working well before the installation of the latest drivers and the PC freezing problem arises after the installation then it is good to uninstall the latest version and wait for the next version.
Here you can find how to update or uninstall drivers on your computer.
Hope the information on this page helps you to solve the issue. Still, if your computer is freezing, just make a comment that can describe your issue in detail. I’m happy to help you.