How to Change Keyboard Language in Windows 10 & 11?

English is the default language of almost all computers. Do you know that in the 195 countries, there are more than 7000 official languages? Of course, it is difficult to learn all these languages, and that’s why we use English as our default language for communication.

But when it comes to computers, there is no need to compromise with English text. You can change your keyboard language to your mother language or something else that you need and use it.

Here in this post, I’m gonna tell you how to change your keyboard language in Windows 10 and 11 computers and use it whenever you need. Also, let’s see how to switch keyboard languages easily on both 10 and 11 operating systems.

how to change keyboard language

How to Change Keyboard Language on Windows 10?

In Windows 10, we have different features to use and multiple language usage is one of them. If you want to change your keyboard language on your Windows 10 operating system computer, then follow the steps listed below.

  1. Go to the settings page on your Windows 10 PC – Just press the Windows Start button and select the settings icon at the bottom left
  2. Here you need to select the personalize option
  3. Under that choose language – here, you’ll find the default language that is running on your PC.
  4. Here in my case English (India) is my default PC language. If I want to change it to some other language, then first, I need to download that language package.
  5. After installation, I can put that into my PC’s default language. Simply select the language and click apply.
  6. Like this, you can change the default keyboard language on your PC.

If you want to translate your text from one language to another, you can use Google Translate instead of changing your keyboard language. It is an easy process. Try it if you need it.

How to Change Keyboard Language on Windows 11?

There is not much difference between Windows 10 and 11 operating systems when it comes to accessing their settings page. Of course, you’ll find a clean, polished settings page in Windows 11 rather than 10.

The process to change your keyboard language is the same as Windows 10. So I don’t repeat all the steps again. If you want them to read again, just scroll to the top of the page to find out how to change the keyboard language in Windows 11 PC.

However, you can find more language packages in Windows 11 compared to 10 because of its recent launch and update features.

Microsoft officially stops updating Windows 10 OS. So nothing much happens in 10 when compared to the 11 OS.

If you are still using a Windows 10 OS computer, that’s ok. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, I like Windows 10 OS more than 11. But if you want to receive the latest updates from Microsoft, then Windows 11 OS is best for you.

Here is the Windows official operating systems page. Go through the link, just in case you need it.

How to Switch Languages on Your Windows PC?

To switch languages on your Windows PC, your PC must restart to apply the newly selected language to its root directory.

Your Windows PC automatically gives a pop-up for you to restart. 

These are the steps you need to take to switch languages on your Windows PC.

  1. Go to the settings page by clicking on the Windows icon.
  2. Choose Personalise
  3. And then select language & time
  4. Under the language section, choose the default language. Here you’ll find all the downloaded language packs on your PC.
  5. Remember, you can select a language only if it is downloaded.
  6. Click on the language that you want and select Apply.

Like this, you can switch languages on your Windows 10 & 11 computers whenever you want.

I don’t want you to change your keyboard language repeatedly because you’ll make your PC instability. However, this is not a limitation to use what you want.

How to Change Keyboard Language on Your Mobile?

Unlike computers, mobile phones have different applications to run the language keyboards for typing. Some of the popular keyboards in mobile phones are Google keyboard, Swiftkey keyboard, Go keyboard, etc.

I recommend you use Google keyboard instead of others because it takes less storage and performance is good with highly advanced features.

Do you know? Google has an eye on your data like what you are typing, what your passwords are, etc. You can change the default keyboard language to your regional language or any language that you wish. For that, you need to follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Google Keyboard application on your mobile
  2. Under preferences, choose a language
  3. There you can find the default language as English, UK, or US
  4. Click on Change Language to find the list of available languages on a Google Keyboard application.
  5. For example, I selected Telugu as my new language. Then the application will ask to download the language package.
  6. Here I need to give permission to download this package
  7. After that, I can select it and apply.

This is how you can change the default keyboard language on your mobile. You can find a lot of languages in the Google directory, just download the ones that you need and use. Otherwise, it is a waste of storage.


Let me hope the information on this page helps you find different languages on your mobile and PC and how to change keyboard language from it. 

Some keyboards come up with an inbuilt language that is printed on the keys. In such cases, the keyboard works in two languages. 1. Primary language is English by default and 2. The Secondary language is the one which is printed on the keys.

Also, find what keyboard ghosting and anti-ghosting are and what their uses are. It helps in choosing the best keyboard which is right for you.

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