12 Best Uses/Advantages of a Laptop

In this digital era, we use laptops or computers for almost all types of work. From a simple copy/paste to designing a new computer, a lot of things can be possible with the usage of a laptop.

These are the complete list of uses or advantages of a laptop computer.

uses of laptop

1. To Store Data

A computer has two types of memory: RAM and ROM. The RAM Random Access Memory is for computer functioning. We have ROM Read Only Memory to store our personal files like photos, videos, documents, & more.

Based on the architecture and read/write capabilities, there are 4 types of storage devices; Hard disks, SSDs, M.2s, and pendrives.

The more storage you have the more data you can store in a computer.

2. Transfer Data

Not only storage, we can transfer data from one device to another. You can use cut, copy, & paste to transfer any file from your computer to another storage device.

  • Cut (Ctrl+X) – To cut a file means the root file can’t exist after you pasted it somewhere else
  • Copy (Ctrl+C) – The root file exists and the copied file created with this option
  • Paste (Ctrl+V) – Whether it is cut or copy, pasting a file is the same

3. For Communication

No matter which country your friends and family members are in, with the use of a laptop and a strong internet connection you can connect with them virtually.

There are different software like Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet which help us to connect and communicate with our family.

4. To Watch Movies

For entertainment, most of us used to watch movies or web series. 

The laptop is useful for watching movies whenever and wherever we want. The OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony, etc, are running with the paid subscription models.

Here are the uses of function keys on your keyboard to increase your productivity.

5. For Playing Games

There is no age limit to playing games and having some fun.

Nowadays, laptops are coming up with good processors and GPUs. They can easily handle mid-level graphic games.

The game ‘Prince of Persia’ is my favorite and now the Assassin’s Creed Series.

6. Photo Editing

Photo editing is one of the required skills that we all want to learn.

Professional photo editing is a kinda thing, that’s great. But not all of us don’t need to be professionals while editing the beautiful photos of our friends and family members.

Whether it is a profession or hobby, the laptop is very useful in photo editing irrespective of place and time.

7. Video Editing

Video editing is a step forward to photo editing.

If you have this skill, you can work for a company, or for an individual YouTuber. Either way, you can earn money by using this skill.

Actually, freelancing is also the best option that you can go through.

The laptop needs to have a good configuration for video editing. While rendering a project or file, all the computer’s energy is in mode. If your laptop has less GPU or old processors, you can face problems like unwanted shutdowns, bluescreen errors, etc.

8. Learning New Skills

There are many platforms like Coursera, Udemy, SkillShare, LinkedIn Learning, etc for you to learn new skills in your field.

Of course, some are free and some are paid. It is your wish that you could learn new skills and level up your performance in the industry.

YouTube is one of the best platforms I recommend. Most of the premium stuff already came to YouTube. So, you don’t need to purchase anything special until you believe the host whom you are paying.

Just search like this on Google ‘best YouTube channels for (your industry)’, and you can find top recommendations in no time. You can select the channels you like based on their presentation, and visual things and subscribe to them.

Whenever they upload a new video you’ll get notified – Easy learning. By the way, this is our channel NSTechBlog << Subscribe now for video content.

9. Get Industry Updates

What are you doing? I mean what’s your profession; a student, pilot, lawyer, software engineer, hardware, YouTuber, Doctor, Entrepreneur, or something else?

No matter what profession you are in, a laptop must be useful to you to learn new things in your field.

For example, I’m a tech enthusiast and I love learning new skills in my field. For this, I can use my laptop to get the latest information in the technology. This is how I get notified – (IOS 17.3 Beta released; Find what features are included?)

That’s useful information for me as a geek. Just like this, a laptop is useful in your stream too.

10. Applying For Jobs

You can apply for jobs by using your laptop.

Whether it is a local job in your country or an international one, you can apply for any kind of job.

These are the best platforms to apply for a job – LinkedIn, Naukari National and International, InternationalJobs, etc.

You can edit photos, compress documents, and all the necessary steps for applying for a job with your laptop.

11. Blogging

As a blogger, I write articles on my laptop.

In my profession, the laptop is very useful to me. For acquiring industry knowledge, writing articles, editing photos and videos, and more.

You can earn money by blogging. It is partially like a YouTube and more than a YouTube Channel. Both blogs and YouTube channels earn money by displaying ads in between their content – just like you see ads on this page.

12. Coding or Programming

Both coding and programming require a computer or laptop.

Unlike desktop computers, coding or programming is easy on laptops. You can show your code to others to fix bugs.

Whenever you need to work, you just open your laptop and be at work. But desktop computers are not that flexible because of their disadvantage – they are not portable.


These are the best uses/advantages of a laptop. If I miss anything to cover and it is useful, let me know with your comments.

Happy to share knowledge and be useful to everyone. Also, read why laptops consume more data.

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